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Fischbach air handling units As individual as your requirements

Fischbach AHU-implements provide for both, ventilation process and for thermal air treatment in premises and buildings. They are exactly planned and executed for our customers’ requirements, as an individual product with energy-efficient components. Casing made of aluminum barrier profile with thermal decoupling. Side panel 40mm insulates temperature, noise, and seals with extremely low transmission heat loss. Best noise values due to Fischbach EC-fans (with electronically commutated motor) with double acoustic decoupling.

Perfection in development and production

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Fischbach Air Handling Unit System Sketch
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  • For air flow volumes up to 35,000 m3 / h, for combined modules up to 70,000 m3 / h
  • Comfortable control via MOD bus
  • High efficiency with our FISCHBACH EC fan
  • Solid construction according to international standards and
  • Flexible modular design with customizable dimensions
  • Energy-efficient heat exchangers
  • Recyclable materials
  • FISCHBACH Quality
  • ErP conformity
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